We are in for Some Changes

Other News

Nearly 50 years ago David Bowie sang about Changes. Now we are in a middle of a time when there are changes happening every day and sometimes by the hour. Our lives will be changed for certain.

Life on the Delmarva Peninsula, the world actually, is going to be different. Without knowing it, I realized I had started a period of Self-Isolation. Friday was the last day I had gone out. Not because I felt like I should be staying home. I just didn’t have anyplace to go.

When I began the ChesaDel Crier it was my way to help promote the Arts on the Delmarva Peninsula. Community Theatre, art councils, museums, as well as the artists of the area. Yes, I include myself and my Photography Project, Delmarva Scenes. It is still my goal.

I do this on my own. I have at times introduced myself as the Publisher, Editor and Chief Bottle Washer. But really it’s not a solo affair, since I have help from others. Organizations that send me flyers, press releases and other information that makes up the site in the most part.

Many of these organizations have been encouraged to, and have, discontinued general operations, cancelled or postponed shows and events for the next several weeks. This will put pressure on many of these organization and some may not survive.

Many non-profits are membership organizations. During this time, Why not consider becoming a member to help support their mission.

After the scare began I put together this little graphic, a meme I suppose.

Arts at Home Graphic

I encourage you to do as many of these things as possible. During the next few weeks, I don’t know what will be coming my way for me to share. But I will be sharing what I can, here as well on the ChesaDel Crier Facebook Page.

Please consider following.

Since I am will be spending much more time at my desk, I will be working on my “View From the Shore” please take a look. It’s a combination of my writings, photography and thoughts on what’s happening.

While currently the ChesaDel Crier is not a Non-Profit, that may change in the future, it does offer a Membership to help defray the cost involved in running the site. If you think this page is worth a subscription, please consider giving a one time Support/Subscription.


Anyone who subscribes at the $30 or $50 and gives their mailing address will receive a suitable for framing “Delmarva Scene” photograph by photographer SG Atkinson.

We are also looking for Corporate Sponsors and Individuals who would like to support us in our mission. Please contact us for more information.

ChesaDel Crier
PO Box 222
Worton, MD 21678
302 464-0313 (Please Leave Message)

Thank You
Steve Atkinson.
