Tom McHugh, The Banjo Man – Photo: SG AtkinsonChesapeake Scenes will perform at the Betterton Community Center, 100 Main Street in Betterton, on Sunday, September 23rd at 11:00 a.m. Captain Andy McCown, a spoken word artist, and “Banjo Man” Tom McHugh take center stage with fellow musicians Tom Anthony and Bill Matthews. The men pay tribute to the Bay through songs and stories of the people who live on her majestic shores, telling tales about everything from the love of an old wooden boat to watermen working in winter. Chesapeake Scenes was awarded the Tidewater Folklore Society’s “Album of the Year” in 1996.
This concert is sponsored by Pennsylvania State University and Echo Hill Outdoor School. It is open to the public. The concert is free. Donations will be accepted to benefit the Betterton Heritage Museum. Call the Betterton Town Office at 410-348-5522 to reserve a seat.