Delmarva Scenes’ Photo of the Week: A Peaceful Spot – A Canal, Not a River


Photo by SG Atkinson: On the Canal
It’s not a river, but in many ways the C&D Canal looks like one. And without the canal the quaint town of Chesapeake City may not exist. But it does and there is a nice spot to sit, relax and enjoy looking out on the water. Sometimes you can even be there as a big cargo ship goes by, although not this week when I was there.

n April 1824 the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D) Canal opened connecting the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware Bay. In 1919, the Federal Government purchased the canal and 1921 to 1927 the Army Corps of Engineers converted it to a sea-level canal by widening it, and removing all of the locks. Today the canal is 450 feet wide with a depth of 35 feet, wider and deeper than some rivers on the peninsula. So although technically the Delmarva is a Peninsula, the canal makes it seem more like a large Island.

So far in March the theme for the Weekly Photo of the Week has been “A Peaceful Spot”. For this week and next I’ll continue with this theme until April.

Delmarva Scenes is a photo project of SG Atkinson, Publisher and Editor of ChesaDel Crier, where he Photographs the Usual, Unusual, Beautiful and No So Pretty scenes of the Delmarva Peninsula. Visit the Web site for more information about the project