Delmarva Scenes’ Photo of the Week: Betterton Appreciation Day

Kent, MD Photo of the Week

Delmarva Scenes Photo by SG Atkinson: Betterton Day
Every year on the 1st weekend of August the Town of Betterton in Kent County, MD, honors their history of being a Chesapeake Beach Resort Town in the 1st 1/2 of the 20th Century. The day kick-off with a parade down Main Street. People come from all over to watch it. This photo is looking down on the crowd, pass the vendors and through the tree a view of the beach and water.

Did you see the article on Betterton published here earlier in the week. Read it Here.

Delmarva Scenes is a photo project of SG Atkinson, Publisher and Editor of ChesaDel Crier, where he Photographs the Usual, Unusual, Beautiful and No So Pretty scenes of the Delmarva Peninsula. Photos of the Week can be purchased for Personal or Commercial Use. Visit the Web site for more information about the project.

Would you like to see this photograph without the watermark? It can be seen if you are a member of my Delmarva Scenes’ Patreon page.