The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Forest Conservancy District Boards invites all Maryland fifth-graders in private and public schools to participate in the annual Arbor Day Poster Contest.
The theme for 2020 is: “Trees Are Terrific…in All Four Seasons!”
All entries must be delivered to a local Maryland Forest Service office by noon, January 17, 2020.
Posters will be judged on a county level and then submitted to the Maryland Urban and Community Forest Committee to compete at the statewide level. A select panel will then choose the top three winning posters that will receive tree plantings at the artists’ schools ─ first place will win 15 trees, second place will receive 10, and third place will receive five. Teachers will be notified by March 18, 2020, and school plantings will be scheduled in the spring.
Contest comments or questions may be directed to Anne Gilbert at 410-260-8510 or