Time Capsule Celebration in Dorchester County


Join Dorchester County as they prepare to launch a new era and a new time capsule to be opened in 2069! The Heart of Chesapeake Country Heritage Area and 350th Anniversary Planning Committee have been busy collecting and curating bits of history from organizations throughout Dorchester County. More than 100 items that tell the story of Dorchester County’s heritage today – in 2019 – will be on display for one last time during this open house before we seal the time capsule for 50 years. Come celebrate with us and see history in the making!

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019
1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Dorchester Visitor Center at Sailwinds Park
2 Rose Hill Place
Cambridge, Maryland

Open to the Public
Light refreshments will be served.

Inspired by the time capsule that was sealed 50 years ago and opened with great fanfare in September, the Heritage Area and 350th Committee are continuing the tradition. Some of the items from 1969 will be re-sealed in the new time capsule, along with documents, souvenirs, memorabilia, photographs, videos and other artifacts that commemorate Dorchester County’s history and heritage today. In fact, there are plans to re-use the original time capsule that so reliably preserved the treasures from 1969.

(Note: The items will only be on display and will not be packed during the open house on Dec. 18. Because it will require professional welders to seal the capsule, that step will take place later in December.)

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~ Dorchester County Tourism