Delaware’s Records Pond Dam and Fishing Piers Closing March 2, 2020

Fishing Sussex

Closure for dam reconstruction will last until spring 2021

DOVER, DE – The dam and associated fishing access areas at Records Pond in Laurel will be closed to public use during reconstruction of the dam from March 2 until the spring of 2021, DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife announced today.

Dam reconstruction is being coordinated by the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT. More information about the project can be found on the DelDOT website.

The closures include Willow Street, which crosses the Records Pond dam, and all facilities located adjacent to the dam, including fishing piers, parking lots, and adjacent shoreline fishing access.

The Records Pond boat ramp, which is located on Route 13 a half mile away from the dam, will remain open. However, boaters are advised to keep clear of the dam construction area. Boaters should also be aware that the pond water level is expected to be lowered during dam construction, which could affect boat launching and use.

For more information on the Records Pond dam and piers closure, please call the DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife Fisheries Section at 302-739-9914.

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