2021 Delaware State Conservation Poster Contest Winners Announced


The Delaware Association of Conservation Districts, in partnership with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, today announced the winners of its annual conservation poster contest, which provided students with an opportunity to convey their artistic impressions about soil, water and related natural resources based on the 2021 theme, “Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities.”

The 2021 theme, “Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities,” encouraged people to protect existing trees and plant new ones, as well as to advocate and educate about trees and forest conservation within their communities. As the biggest plants on the planet, trees are a vital resource, as they absorb carbon from the atmosphere, stabilize the soil, filter water, provide healthy habitat for wildlife and offer many other benefits.

First place winners from New Castle County are:

  • K to 1: Lawrence Xun*, North Star Elementary
  • 2 to 3: Christine Alex*, Gallagher Elementary
  • 4 to 6: Samuel Vasquez Ortiz*, Gallagher Elementary
  • 7 to 9: Rishitha Guddapalli*, Cab Calloway School of the Arts
  • 10 to 12: Eason Li*, Tower Hill School

First place winners from Kent County are:

  • K to 1: Jade McWaine, Academy of Dover
  • 2 to 3: Zahara Odige, Academy of Dover
  • 4 to 6: Leah Randall, Academy of Dover
  • 7 to 9: Jemma Byrd, Magnolia Middle School
  • 10 to 12: Evan Shane, Smyrna High School

*Denotes state winning posters. No entries were submitted in 2021 from Sussex County.

Posters were judged on good use of color, good attention to detail, an easy to understand conservation message, originality and creativity, along with correct use of the conservation theme. First, second and third place winners in each grade category received gift cards for $50, $25 and $15, respectively, from their local Conservation District office. The first place state winners received $50 from the Delaware Association of Conservation Districts.

State winning posters by Lawrence Xun, Christine Alex, Samuel Vasquez Ortiz, Rishitha Guddapalli and Eason Li have been entered into the national poster contest sponsored by the National Association of Conservation Districts Ladies Auxiliary. National winners will be announced at the NACD conference being held Feb. 12 to 16 in Orlando, Fla.

Delaware’s poster contest also includes a category for computer generated/graphic arts posters. Entries were received from two schools in New Castle County. The winners were:

  • First place: Langley Grace Marvel, Del Castle Vo Tech High School
  • Second place went to Noelle Evans also of Del Castle Vo Tech High School
  • Third place: Vicken Karakashian, Appoquinimink High School

Each year, the poster contest follows the annual Soil and Water Stewardship Week theme sponsored by the National Association of Conservation Districts. The 2022 poster contest will focus on the theme “Healthy Soil, Healthy Life.” Healthy soils are vital to food production and also contribute to clean air and water, plentiful crops and forests, diverse wildlife and beautiful landscapes. The theme encourages people to recognize where food comes from and the farmers who are dedicated to using responsible land-management practices to ensure a sustainable food supply and healthy land and soil for future generations.

More information about the poster contest can be found at www.nacdnet.org under the Stewardship and Education page.

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