2022 Maryland Arbor Day Poster Contest


The Maryland Forest Service, in partnership with the Maryland Forest Conservancy District Boards, is sponsoring a “Poster Contest” for 5th grade classes throughout the State of Maryland.

The theme for the poster is: Trees Are Terrific….and Maryland Forests are Too! Statewide Winners will receive a tree planting at your school with:

  • 1st – 15 trees
  • 2nd – 10 trees
  • 3rd – 5 trees

​All posters are due to the county’s MD Forest Service Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 21, 2022. The address for your local office can be found here. listed by county or can be found here: https://dnr.maryland.gov/forests/Pages/contacts.aspx

Posters will be judged on a county level and the winner will be submitted to the Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) to compete at the statewide level.

Check out a list of activities and information related to Maryland’s Forests here. Please note that a Release Form must be filled out and attached to the back of every poster entry.

Winners’ teachers will be notified directly by February 25, 2022.