Webbed Presence Offers Web Series on SEO for Busy Professionals

Business Caroline

Series Aims to Make Search Engine Optimization Attainable for Local Businesse

Denton, MD:

This week, locally owned company Webbed Presence released the second episode of their new web series 90 Second Web Presence.

90 Second Web Presence presents useful, practical information about online presence for small business and nonprofits in short, digestible episodes.

Search Engine Optimization (better known as SEO) is the primary topic of the series.

From host Christy Allison: “We break down the complexities of SEO into practical take-aways and action steps, so that anyone can start to incorporate SEO-boosting strategies into their marketing.

“With approximately 80% of American shoppers looking up companies on their mobile phones BEFORE placing a call or walking through the door, proper online visibility is more important than ever.”

The series is available on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Threads. Two to 3 new episodes are available each month. More information is available at https://webbedpresence.com/90-second-web-presence/.


Webbed Presence spins beautiful, informative, intuitive and compelling web presence tailored to the needs of each client. Since June 2022, founder Christy Allison has helped both local and national clients improve their online presence and get noticed. From full service web design and hosting to search engine optimization, lead generation and even social media content plans, Webbed Presence is passionate about helping small businesses and nonprofits boost their online visibility to generate more conversions and higher revenues.