Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore leads community-wide initiative this January to address the need for mentorship among youth on Maryland’s Eastern Shore

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Maryland Eastern Shore

In recognition of National Mentoring Month, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore is celebrating the dedicated men and women who volunteer their time, talents, and resources to mentor and empower children facing adversity throughout Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

President Biden released a presidential proclamation officially honoring National Mentoring Month, noting, “The greatness of a nation is measured in part by how it prepares its next generation to succeed.  Ours is a great Nation, and together, as mentors, we can each change a young person’s life for the better.”

The agency invites community members to make a lasting impact on local youth through mentorship. Sharing simple, everyday moments can have a big impact on the lives of young people. Everyday activities such as going to a movie or water park, sharing a pizza or picnic, and getting coffee or ice cream provide children with experiences they may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy. Today, one in three children on Maryland’s Eastern Shore are growing up without a sustained, positive adult mentor in their lives. Community support is needed now, more than ever before, to bridge the gap and make an impactful contribution to children and families facing adversity.

Throughout the month, the agency will partner with local county commissioners to accept National Mentor Month proclamations. These proclamations are a recognition of the importance of the month-long celebration and partnership of local communities to create positive change for the next generation through mentoring.

“To generate dialog about the importance of mentors, the campaign strives to encourage community members to think about people from their childhood that provided guidance and helped them become who they are today”. Jessica Mimms, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore.

For National Mentoring Month, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore invites the community to share their most pivotal mentorship moments, no matter how big or small, on all social media channels using the hashtag #BeBig. This tapestry of stories will serve as a testament to the significant impact of mentorship moments.

To become a mentor or learn how you can support the vital, life-changing programs offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore, visit
