Delaware Revises Recreational Striped Bass Summer Slot Season Limit for Compliance With ASMFC Plan

Delaware Fishing

New 20-24 Inch Slot Size Limit in Effect for Season’s July 1 Start

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control  announced today that Delaware’s recreational striped bass summer slot size limit regulation has been revised and will be in effect for the July 1 start of the slot season. The revision – changing Delaware’s striper summer slot size limit from 20- to 25-inches to 20- to 24-inches – ensures compliance with Addendum II to Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP). The slot season applies in the Delaware River and Bay, and tidal tributaries of both, from July 1 to Aug. 31.

Addendum II, approved last February by the ASMFC, changes measures in the FMP to further reduce fishing mortality for striped bass and support stock rebuilding. Addendum II kept the recreational striped bass measures set by ASMFC emergency action in 2023 in place and required states with alternative recreational measures, including Delaware’s summer slot season, to reduce striped bass removals resulting from those alternative recreational measures by 15%.

The new striped bass slot size limit can be found in the online version of the 2024 Delaware Fishing Guide. Anglers can call the DNREC Fisheries Section at 302-739-9914 for more information.