Delaware’s Spring Pond Trout Season to Open With Youth-Only Day March 1, 2025 Followed by Regular Downstate Opener March 2

Delaware Kent, DE Sussex

Stocked Ponds in Kent and Sussex County to be Closed to All Fishing from Saturday, February 15 through Friday, February 28, 2025

Delaware’s 2025 downstate pond trout season will open for youth anglers under age 16-only at 7 a.m. on Saturday, March 1, followed by the opening of the regular downstate trout season for all anglers a half-hour before sunrise on Sunday, March 2, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced today. Fishing will be allowed on youth opening day from 7 a.m. to a half-hour after sunset, and from a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset thereafter, unless otherwise restricted by area rules.

Both Tidbury Pond near Dover in Kent County and Newton Pond near Greenwood in Sussex County will be stocked and open for trout fishing as scheduled pending pond ice conditions that might prevent either stocking or fishing.

Each pond will be stocked by the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife with more than 300 pounds of 12- to 13-inch rainbow trout before opening day, with a second stocking to follow in mid-March. Trophy-sized trout weighing two or more pounds will be included in the stocking as an added attraction for trout anglers.

To improve trout fishing for the season openers, both Tidbury Pond and Newton Pond will be closed to all fishing from Saturday, Feb. 15 through Friday, Feb. 28 to accommodate trout stocking, eliminate incidental hooking of stocked trout, and allow the trout to adjust to their new waters.

Trout anglers planning to fish Tidbury Pond or Newton Pond should note the following rules and regulations:

  • A Delaware fishing license is required, unless an angler is exempt
  • A Delaware trout stamp is required through April 1, unless an angler is exempt
  • The daily possession limit is six trout

Proceeds from the purchase of Delaware trout stamps are used to help purchase trout for stocking the next year. This popular fishery is also supported by federal Sport Fish Restoration funds administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that are generated from anglers purchasing fishing equipment.

Delaware’s trout season for upstate streams will open Saturday, April 5 with a youth-only day, followed by the opening of the regular trout season for all anglers on Sunday, April 6.

Delaware fishing licenses and trout stamps are sold online and by license agents statewide. To find a participating agent, or to purchase a license or trout stamp online, visit Additional information about fishing in Delaware, including license and trout stamp requirements, is available in the 2025 Delaware Fishing Guide. The guide also is available in printed form from license agents throughout the state.

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