Church Hill Theatre Announces a Workshop in Public Speaking

Education Queen Anne's Theatre

Church Hill, Maryland

Do you feel anxious or worried when you need to explain a project to your fellow workers? Are you concerned about how you speak, how to make eye contact with the people to whom you are trying to sell a product or proposal? Would you like to feel more confident as you communicate with others?

Lisa Shaffer
Lisa Shaffer – Contributed Photo
Then, the Public Speaking Workshop at Church Hill Theatre is just right for you. This two-session workshop, which will be presented by Lisa Shaffer, is scheduled for two Saturdays, April 12 and April 26 from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the theatre.

During the two sessions, topics such as an overview of speaking skills, fundamentals of communication, preparing a speech or presentation, use of vocabulary, and more will be covered.

Ms. Shaffer holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Faulkner University, a Master’s degree in Communication from Abilene Christian University and teaches speech, communication and rhetoric classes to middle and high school students.

The tuition for the class is $50 and to register for the class, please call the Church Hill Theatre office at 410-556-6003 during office hours of 11 AM to 4 PM, Tuesday through Friday.

You can also email the office at

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