The Garfield Center Calls for Director and Title Submissions for 2026 Season

Art Kent, MD Theatre

Chestertown, MD

The Garfield Center for the Arts has opened its annual call for play and musical titles for production consideration. Suggestions and proposals can be made by Directors who would like to present a play or musical in the 2025 season as well as by interested community members, patrons of the Garfield Center and arts participants. All proposals must be received by the Garfield Center by midnight on Sunday, April 27, 2025.

Directors are encouraged to submit a list containing multiple titles (no more than 7). The more plays or musicals that each Director proposes, the better the chances are that a director may be selected to direct a production for the season.

Director proposals should give, for each title given, the full and accurate title of the play or musical, its playwright or author(s), casting requirements, and a synopsis. In addition, if the royalty company that owns the rights for the title is known, Directors should include that information. Directors are asked to provide an estimated number of rehearsal weeks that the title would require prior to opening (from the week of auditions up to and including dress rehearsal week). Last, if the Director intends to take some sort of conceptual approach to the production title, a brief description of the concept is required.

Accompanying their list of title submissions, directors must submit a small bio and resume of recent past theatrical experience along with their 2026 calendar year availability.

The GCA Programming Committee is also developing an institutional list of titles that do not have current directorial interest but would be considered good titles for future production. Any community members, patrons and participants who would like to suggest titles for the institutional list are encouraged to do so. For institutional list submissions, multiple title suggestions are welcome, but there is no requirement to give more than a single suggestion. Also, addressing why a title would be a good fit for the GCA and how it would engage the Eastern Shore community is helpful.

Detailed information on submitting a proposal is also available on the GCA web site at

Title proposals should be submitted by email to Once received, submissions will be acknowledged with a response email. Directors will be informed of the final selections once the Programming Committee has chosen the season.

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