Fred Pomeroy Receives ShoreRivers Award for Environmental Stewardship

On November 5, Fred Pomeroy was named the third recipient of the ShoreRivers Award for Environmental Stewardship during the organization’s Riverboat Rendezvous & Race. The award recognizes an individual or entity in the Chesapeake Bay watershed for their transformational accomplishments as a steward of the environment. The founding President of Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth, […]

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ShoreRivers Host Inaugural Riverboat Rendezvous and Race

Join ShoreRivers on Saturday, November 5, 2022 for its inaugural Riverboat Rendezvous and Race, an on-the-water party and friendly competition hosted aboard the Choptank Riverboat Company’s turn-of-the-century paddle wheelers in Hurlock, MD. Tickets to attend this one-of-a-kind event are limited, so visit to get yours today. This nautical adventure begins at 2:00 pm with […]

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ShoreRivers Seeks Volunteers for Project Clean Stream This Spring

Trash is everywhere throughout our watersheds. It’s nearly impossible to go anywhere without seeing garbage littering roadways, fluttering through farm fields, floating in ditches and streams, and dirtying parks. This spring, ShoreRivers and volunteers are hosting community trash cleanups as part of Project Clean Stream, a Bay-wide trash cleanup organized by the Alliance for the […]

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Photographer SG (Steve) Atkinson Publishes Chesapeake Country Roads Calendars

SG (Steve) Atkinson, Eastern Shore Photographer and Publisher of ChesaDel Crier, announces three Wall Calendars of his photographs. A 16-month 2021-22, “Chesapeake Country Roads”, and two 12 month 2022, “Chesapeake Country Roads – Mid-Shore”, and “Kent County in Pictures”. The calendars are published by ShoreToBeFun and are printed and sold through, an online self-publishing […]

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