atTAcK addiction to Host Two Events to Commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day

GLASGOW, DE As part of International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), atTAcK addiction will host public events next week in Georgetown and Newark to remember the thousands of lives lost in Delaware to the opioid epidemic, and to provide resources and support to the public. International Overdose Awareness Day is the largest annual campaign to end […]

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Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to Assume Management of Deauville Beach

DNREC’s Division of Parks and Recreation will assume management of the state-owned Deauville Beach and continue all services currently being provided. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control announced that it will assume day-to-day management of Deauville Beach from the city of Rehoboth Beach for the 2024 season. DNREC and the city of […]

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Downstate Public Ponds to be Treated for Invasive Aquatic Weed Hydrilla

With inland water temperatures rising and aquatic plants emerging, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will begin treating certain downstate public ponds for the foreign invasive aquatic weed hydrilla starting May 29, weather permitting. Hydrilla is a non-native plant that likely entered the state through the aquarium trade. Uncontrolled hydrilla can choke […]

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