BC Productions Announces the Premiere of Earl Lewin’s “Hitched” at Church Hill Theatre

BC Productions proudly announces the premiere of Hitched, the latest script by Chestertown playwright Earl Lewin. Hitched is a slang term for getting married. The dictionary defines it as “loosely tied.” This is a family’s tale of pulling formality and informality into one uncomfortable knot. Performances of Hitched will be held at Church Hill Theatre […]

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Wendy Wasserstein’s “Sisters Rosensweig” Comes to Church Hill Theatre

Wendy Wasserstein, the important late 20th century American playwright, brought the lives of contemporary women—smart, ambitious, creative and often frustrated by societal expectations—to receptive audiences around the world. Shelagh Grasso directs the Church Hill Theatre revival of the award-winning comedy The Sisters Rosensweig opening on September 7, 2018 at Church Hill Theatre. The sisters are […]

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Delaware’s Division of Parks & Recreation to host free outdoor performances of Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ in Three State Parks in September

DOVER, DE – Three of DNREC’s Division of Parks & Recreation’s state parks will be transformed into the Forest of Arden as the Brown Box Theatre Project performs its eighth annual free, outdoor Shakespeare tour of “As You Like It” during September. The performances will be held at Holts Landing State Park, Holts Landing Road, […]

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AUDITIONS: Kent County Arts Council Staged Readings of 5 Plays written for the Phillips Collection

The Kent County Arts Council (KCAC) will hold auditions for their presentation of staged readings of a series of five new plays commissioned by and written for The Philips Collection in Washington DC to commemorate an anniversary of “The Migration Series” in 2015. The KCAC will produce the plays with Artist-in-Residence Jacqueline Lawton, Theater Department, […]

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