Photo: Ruth Clausen

Learn to Attract Pollinators February 14, 2018 with Horticulturist Ruth Clausen

Most people realize that our food supply would be compromised completely without bees, butterflies, wasps, bats and other pollinators whose very existence is threatened by climate change, decreasing habitat and pesticide use. The good news, however, is that gardens planted with native plants can help to slow the decline of these critical creatures. On Wednesday […]

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Science Programs for Homeschool Students Begin in February 2018 at Adkins Arboretum

Adkins Arboretum (RIDGELY, MD—January 17, 2018) This winter, Adkins Arboretum will offer homeschool programs for students ages 7 and up. Programs include: Hooray for Herps! Tuesdays, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24 1–2:30 p.m. Enter the bizarre and fascinating world of reptiles and amphibians in this exciting, hands-on herpetology program. We’ll compare herps past and […]

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