Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park Events Celebrate Black History Month

Stories of Underground Railroad Heroes Come to Life this February In celebration of Black History Month, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park and Visitor Center invites everyone to free, family-friendly programs every Friday, Saturday and Sunday in February 2019. The park, located in Dorchester County, is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and […]

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Maryland’s Board of Public Works Approves $3 Million for Oyster Recovery

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has been approved to invest more than $3 million in oyster recovery and restoration activities in Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, following unanimous support from the Board of Public Works. The board, consisting of Governor Larry Hogan, Comptroller Peter Franchot and Treasurer Nancy Kopp, approved three contracts to the […]

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Maryland Begins Preseason Trout Stocking

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering anglers an early start to the spring trout season before winter even begins. Starting the week of Dec. 17, 2018, the department will conduct preseason trout stocking at several popular fishing locations. Early trout stocking will include several impoundments that will receive their annual allotments in a […]

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