PoTW: Intrigued to Learn

Photo of the Week Talbot

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church
As part of my photography page on Facebook, I have been posting a photo a day following a photo schedule as presented to me by a photographer group I am a part. For day 16 the topic was “intrigue”. I really had no idea what to post. Then I remembered that about a month ago I decided to stop at a cemetery just off of US 50 near Trappe, Maryland. I had driven past it many times over the past 40 years. I suppose I was finally intrigued enough to fulfill my curiosity, to stop.

What I discovered it was the Old White Marsh Episcopal Church, a colonial era with a bit of historical significance. On the site is the grave of Robert Morris, Sr., the father of Robert Morris, Jr. who was the financier of the American Revolution. Morris Sr. had bequeathed to Morris Jr. his large fortune as a successful merchant upon his death in 1750.

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church

Photography by SG Atkinson: Old White Marsh Episcopal Church