Town of Rock Hall Receives Maryland Environmental Trust Grant

Kent, MD Other News

The Town of Rock Hall is pleased to announce the receipt of a “Keep Maryland Beautiful” grant from the Maryland Environmental Trust in the amount of $3,512. The monies will be used to repair the roof of a pavilion in the Town’s civic center. Rock Hall’s Parks and Recreation Board, which has jurisdiction over the civic center, has pledged $1,500 towards the pavilion project.

The Maryland Environmental Trust has administered the “Keep Maryland Beautiful” program since 1967, in partnership with the State Departments of Housing and Community Development and Transportation. The grant category applied for was “Clean Up & Green Up Maryland” which program awards up to $5,000 for eligible projects. As stated in the application guidelines, the “Keep Maryland Beautiful” program awards funds to “support community-sponsored litter removal, beautification initiatives and community stewardship projects”.

“A restored and refurbished pavilion will be appreciated and well-utilized by the many community members who use the space for picnics and get-togethers with family and friends” said Mayor Brian Jones.

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~Town of Rock Hall