Auditions: Tred Avon Players’ Production of “Move Over Mrs. Markham”

Talbot Theatre

The Tred Avon Players announce auditions for their Fall 2018 comedy production of Move Over Mrs. Markham by Ray Cooney & John Chapman. Ed Langrell is directing. There are parts for nine actors, five women and four men. Auditions will be held on Sunday, July 22 and Monday July 23, 2018 at 7 p.m. in the Oxford Community Center located at 200 Oxford Rd. in Oxford, MD.

Performance dates are October 25, 26, 27, 28 and November 1, 2, 3, 4 at the Oxford Community Center.

Set in NYC, the classic 70s farce, Move Over Mrs. Markham, is the comedic story of three couples all vying to use an elegant, presumably empty apartment for their anticipated trysts. When all three sets of people converge on the apartment in a turn of terrible timing, mayhem and confusion ensue.

Characters include:

Joanna Markham: Mid 20s to mid 50s – A sophisticated woman, stylishly reserved. Loving and loyal wife to Philip. Not as prim as Philip is straight-laced. Appears in lingerie.

Alistair Spenlow: Mid 20s to mid 30s – London’s latest fashionable interior designer; a virile male lurks beneath his artsy, camp exterior. Appears in his boxers.

Sylvie: Early to mid 20s – The Markham’s gorgeous Swiss au pair with a hearty accent; she is the focus of Alistair’s attention. Appears in a short nightie onstage.

Linda Lodge: Mid 20s to mid 50s – Joanna’s friend and longsuffering wife of Henry. Vivacious and slightly scatter-brained, she is tired of being the only faithful partner in her marriage.

Philip Markham: Mid 20s to mid 50s – An overworked children’s book publisher and Joanna’s husband. Philip is a pleasant and studious man; a bit straight-laced; a bit timid. He is very conservative and old-fashioned.

Henry Lodge: Mid 20s to mid 50s – Philip’s successful (and overbearing) business partner and married to Linda. He is full of masculine confidence and swagger. He is an unrepentant philanderer.

Walter Pangbourne: Mid 20s to mid 50s – Walter is a stiff, slightly stuffy and painfully shy. Linda’s new love interest; she has chosen to seduce Walter in retaliation for Henry’s wandering ways.

Olive Harriet Smythe: Mid 40s to mid 80s – An eccentric, dog-loving, imposing, frumpy prude with a somewhat butterfly mind. Miss Smythe is a very successful author of children’s books who is looking for a new publisher.

Felicity Jane Wilkinson: Mid to late 20s – A phone operator and Henry’s new love interest. A bit on the kooky side; sassy and sexually adventurous. Felicity wears large horn-rimmed glasses and is quick to strip down to her underwear. Runs around wrapped only in a sheet.

Auditions are from the script. Callbacks will be on Monday, July 30, and by contacting director Ed Langrell at An additional audition on that day may be arranged if necessary. No parts are precast, and auditions are for five women (early 20s-mid 80s) and four men (mid 20s-mid 50s)

Audition dates:
Sunday July 22nd at 7pm at OCC
Monday July 23rd at 7pm at OCC
Oxford Community Center
200 Oxford Rd.
Oxford, MD 21654

Move Over Mrs. Markham
By Ray Cooney John Chapman
Director Ed Langrell