Queen Anne’s County Presents “Proposed Beach to Bridge Traffic Plan” to MDOT

Beaches Queen Anne's

On September 18, 2018 the County Commissioners of Queen Anne’s County sent to Maryland Department of Transportation a “Proposed Beach to Bridge Traffic Plan” for their review.

They stated that the “objective of this plan is to keep Bay Bridge bound traffic on Rt. 50, thus eliminating local congestion on Kent Island and in Grasonville.”

During the summer, traffic on US 50 has resulted in many local traffic issues. Traffic Apps such as Waze has through giving users information to adjust routes by re-directing traffic onto collector and local road created traffic jams for residents. The Commissioners adds “These traffic jams create safety risks as they limit our emergency service providers’ ability to respond to crises and restrict our citizens to their homes.”

The Commissioners are hoping that this plan can take effect in 2019 and is asking that MDOT take the time to review this plan and provide feedback and support. T

Town Hall meetings with local residents emergency service providers and businesses are being planned to allow for their input and suggestions.

They conclude their request with, “This endeavor will only be successful through the cooperation of our residents, law enforcement, state and local government and the beachgoers that travel Rt. 50. It needs to be clear to them that Rt. 50 is the only way to Reach the Bridge.”

For more information about the proposed plan review the documents below.

Beach-To-Bridge Traffic Plan 091818
US50-MD18 Street Map 083018