Maryland’s Art and Entertainment Districts are Booming Business

Caroline Dorchester Kent, MD Queen Anne's Somerset Talbot Wicomico Worcester

Photo by SG Atkinson - Chestertown A&E District 200 High Street
A new report from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) found that in FY2018 new businesses and event spending in Maryland’s Art and Entertainment (A&E) Districts supported approximately $1.04 billion in total state GDP, $72.1 million in state and local tax revenue, and 9,987 jobs that paid $320.8M in wages.

The report was prepared for the MSAC by Towson University’s Regional Economic Studies Institute. The full report can be found at MSAC Web site.

The Economic and tax impacts presented in the report were based on economic activity from new businesses formed within districts and spending associated with events and festivals held within districts in FY 2018.

Every year, each A&E district within the state completes an annual report to highlight its activities from the prior year to MDAC. MSAC provided informations from these reports to the Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI) of Towson University. RESI tabulated this information to a survey analysis and then used this survey analysis as the basis of the economic and tax impact study of Maryland’s 25 A&E districts in FY 2018.

In FY2018 there were 25 Maryland A&E Districts. Those located on MD Eastern Shore are in Cambridge, Chestertown, Denton, Salisbury, Snow Hill and Stevensville. Crisfield and Easton A&E Districts have been added as the 26th and 27th Districts.