Rock Hall Cancels 4th of July Activities

Beaches Kent, MD

Photo: Rock Hall 4th of July Parade - SG Atkinson
At a Rock Hall Mayor and Council Special meeting on May 7, 2020 it was decided to cancel the traditional July 4th parade and community center. There was strong support to hold a Recovery Celebration event later in the year if practical. That event could include a parade and fireworks.

The Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company has not made a decision on the July 3rd Fireworks.

In April the Kent County Waterman’s Association Canceled their Annual Waterman’s Day, which is also held near the 4th of July Weekend.

The Ferry Park Beach will remain close until at least May 18th when the Mayor and Council is scheduled to meet again.

It was also decided to allow the Community Center and its tennis courts to be open for exercise. The pavilion, public rest rooms and all playground equipment will remain closed.

The Maryland State of Emergency is still in place as is the Stay-At-Home Order, required social distancing, the gathering limit maximum of 10 people, and the required use of face masks inside all public buildings and commercial businesses that are open to the public.

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Edited on May 9, 2020 to include information on the July 3rd Fireworks