Delaware Hunters Reminded Harvest of Delmarva Fox Squirrels is Prohibited

Delaware Hunting

Gray Squirrel Hunting Season to Open Sept. 15 

With the opening of gray squirrel hunting season on September 15, 2022 the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control reminds Delaware hunters to be vigilant and not to harvest state-endangered Delmarva fox squirrels. Delmarva fox squirrel populations are found in Sussex County at and near the Nanticoke Wildlife Area, Assawoman Wildlife Area, Trap Pond State Park, Redden State Forest and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge.

Hunting for and harvesting of Delmarva fox squirrels is prohibited. It is important that hunters note the differences between the fox squirrel and the more commonly-seen eastern gray squirrel. Delmarva fox squirrels are much larger than gray squirrels and have lighter silver-gray fur with little to no brown, longer, fuller tails and short, rounded ears compared to gray squirrels.

Delmarva fox squirrels remain rare in Delaware, with the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife working to reestablish the species by relocating Delmarva fox squirrels from robust populations in Maryland to suitable habitat in Delaware.

More information about Delmarva fox squirrels, including photographs comparing Delmarva fox squirrels and eastern gray squirrels, and answers to frequently asked questions, can be found at

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