Earl Lewin’s “Hitched” Opens at Church Hill Theatre

Queen Anne's Theatre

Hitched PosterWhen families come together for a wedding strange things often occur. And that is exactly what happens in BC Productions of Earl Lewin’s “Hitched” which opens for two weekends at Church Hill Theatre. BC Productions has collaborated with Church Hill Theatre bringing an original play of Earl Lewin, a local playwright, in each of the past five years.

Lewin is a published playwright, having had two one act plays published by Baker’s Plays. Church Hill Theatre has a collaborative history with Lewin having provided a venue for original scripts including two musicals She Stoops to Conquer, The Musical and Celluloid both featuring musical scores by Dick Durham. Celluloid played Off Broadway in 2010. His murder-musical The Burgundy Wine Mob also debuted at CHT to go on to an Off-Off Broadway production in 2012. Lewin’s short script entitled Not Responsible was also featured in the Short Play Lab’s MidTown Festival in New York City in 2013.

Millie is hosting family members at her home in Phoenix for her nephew Jim’s wedding weekend. She is divorce but her ex-husband is one of the guest. Her brother Harry, the brides father, has a number of ex-wives, comes to town from Philadelphia. The formal wedding is on October 31st, and concludes with a surprise.

Photo by SG Atkinson: Millie, Peggy Dixon Chiras, with members of her family. (Charles Michael Moore, Steve Hazzard, Howard Mesick, Peggy Dixon Chiras and Amy Moredock)
Millie, (Peggy Dixon Chiras) with members of her family. (Charles Michael Moore, Steve Hazzard, Howard Mesick, Peggy Dixon Chiras and Amy Moredock)

I was able to attend the dress rehearsal on Thursday evening. The two act, five scene shows runs quick coming in at around 2 hours. There are plenty of moments of hilarity, but as I have noticed in the the plays of Lewin that I have seen, there are also thoughtful moments of life and death. It is a show that I do recommend that one sees. If you have seen a Earl Lewin show you will not be disappointed. If you haven’t seen one of his shows, after seeing this one you will be wishing that you have seen others.

The cast is made up of talented eastern shore actors. Peggy Dixon Chiras as Millie, who is clueless to what is happening in the life of her son Bruce played by Howard Messick. Bruce is gay and arrives with his partner Spike, Charles Michael Moore. Steve Hazzard portrays Harry with his younger wife Penny, Christine Kinlock. Chris Rogers plays Millie’s ex-husband Spencer. Also in the cast is Amy Moredock as Brenda, Jane Jewell as Aunt Rhoda, Michele Christopher as Linda, Harry’s first wife and the mother of his son, and Tom Dorman as Grimm, a mysterious man of the dessert. Rounding out the cast are Eddie Dorman (cab driver), Maya McGrory (Victoria) and Troy Strootman (Jim) as the bride and groom. There is also a special appearance by King Kong and Yoda.

Each member of the cast brings life to Lewin’s characters as only they could do.

Assisting Lewin with the production is an equally experienced and accomplished crew: Kathy Jones (Stage Manager); Lewin (Set Design/Construction); Rogers (Sound Design); Doug Kaufmann (Lighting Design/Operation); Speedy Christopher (Sound Operator); Eddie Dorman, Bruce Smith, Kevin Chiras (Stage Crew).

Performances will be held at Church Hill Theatre September 28, 29, and 30 and October 5, 6, and 7 (Friday/Saturday performances at 8pm and Sunday matinees at 2pm). For information: call 410.556.6003 or visit the website at http://www.churchhilltheatre.org/. All tickets are $15 (cash or check only) and may be picked up prior to performance at the box office. Reservations are suggested.

Photo by SG Atkinson: Rhoda, Jane Jewell, laughs at one of her jokes as Steve Hazzard (Harry) and Amy Moredock (Brenda) looks on.
Rhoda (Jane Jewell), laughs at one of her jokes as Harry (Steve Hazzard) and Brenda (Amy Moredock) looks on.
Photo By SG Atkinson: Brenda (Amy Moredock) and Bruce (Howard Mesick) have a conversation in the desert.
Brenda (Amy Moredock) and Bruce (Howard Mesick) have a conversation in the dessert.
Photo by SG Atkinson
Linda, Harry’s ex-wife and mother of the groom (Michele Christopher), interacts with Harry as Penny, Harry’s young wife, looks on. (Chris Rogers, Peggy Dixon Chiras, Michele Christopher, Steve Hazzard, Christine Kinlock and Amy Moredock)