Has the Season Arrived?


For the past few days we have been hearing that there would be snow today. I’ve been thinking, it’s only the middle of November, the temps has been above freezing we surely isn’t going to get any snow.

Photo by SG Atkinson: First Snow of the SeasonAnd that may actually be true for a great part of the Delmarva Peninsula. But here as I write this in my home office it is doing exactly that. The snow is falling and the grass is covered with just a little bit of snow.

So I am now thinking it may not be too soon. Thanksgiving is a week away. Yes, it is on the earliest date that it can be, so it’s natural to feel that it is coming early. Are you ready?

And the day after the Holiday/Christmas Season will officially arrive. I’ll be attending the annual Tree Lighting ceremony in Chestertown that evening, a full week before December. I will also be at the Christmas Parade on the following day, 6 days from December 1st.

As we all know the stores are already in Christmas mode. And now as I watch the snow falling I am thinking that maybe it is time for the Holiday Season to begin. Put the Christmas Playlist up on my computer and let it happen. I think the first song I’ll play will be one from the movie Frozen, Let it Go. Alright it may not be a traditional song for the holidays, but it could be.

What do you think?