History of the 2nd Delaware Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the Civil War

Kent, DE

Due to current coronavirus restrictions the Delaware Public Archives has moved its popular First Saturday program series to an online format. July’s presentation focuses on the 2nd Delaware Volunteer Infantry, a prominent Delaware Regiment during the American Civil War. The program will be available on Friday, July 3, 12:00 p.m. on the Delaware Public Archives website at https://archives.delaware.gov/.

Presented by Delaware Public Archives staff member Taylor Reynolds, the program begins with the formation of the 2nd Regiment in Wilmington in 1861, and follows the unit as it earned a distinguished reputation within the Army of the Potomac until it was mustered out of service in the summer of 1864.

Please be aware that this is an online only presentation. The program is divided into three parts. For more information, contact Tom Summers (302) 744-5047 or e-mail thomas.summers@delaware.gov

The speaker, Taylor Reynolds, is a Processing Archivist at the Delaware Public Archives who has been an American Civil War Reenactor for eight years. Graduating from Wesley College in 2019 with a degree in American History, Reynolds transcribed the personal diary of General Thomas Smyth while earning his undergraduate degree. Currently, he is working toward a degree in Library Sciences with a Concentration in Archival Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is a member of the Living History Society of Delaware, serving as the group’s President since 2017. Reynolds also serves on the Board of Directors for the Fort Delaware Society and is a member of The Liberty Rifles Civil War Living History group. In 2018, he led the effort to acquire the Abram Draper Papers that were donated to the Delaware Public Archives.