WSW Introduces New PR & Marketing Coordinator, Raven Cook

Business Chesapeake Country

WSW is excited to announce our newest PR & Marketing Coordinator, Raven Cook! You may recall Raven from her internship in the Fall of 2023, and now she’s back and here to stay, serving those on their breast cancer journey on the Eastern Shore.

Raven was born in Hagerstown, Maryland, but attended college at Salisbury University. At SU, Raven earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a minor in English. During her time at university, Raven enjoyed classes pertaining to media of all kinds, journalism, writing, and literature. As stated previously, Raven interned at the WSW office from September to December of 2023. Here, she worked on a variety of things, such as newsletters, press releases, pictures and videos from events, promotional and marketing materials, programs for events, and much more. When asked why she chose to stay with WSW, Raven said, “I loved it. I looked forward to WSW every day; the people, the work, the events, the volunteering, everything; I loved it, which is what your job should make you feel”.

Raven often says that WSW changed her life. When asked what she meant by that, she stated “Women Supporting Women makes a difference in people’s lives every day. Prior to my internship here, I had never worked a job where I truly felt like I was making a difference, and then having that feeling, it inspired me deeply”. We are so glad that we were able to affect Raven in such an impactful way, all while she was helping us get through our busiest time of the year. We thank Raven for the time and dedication she committed in the Fall of 2023, and we are very excited to officially welcome her onto the staff and have her at the office now in 2024. We can’t wait to see what she has to offer and how she can benefit the Eastern Shore community.