Coffee House a Hit at Church Hill Theatre

Music Queen Anne's

Church Hill, MD

Kathy Jones performing at Church Hill Theatre's Coffee House on July 26, 2014. Photo by SG (Steve) Atkinson

Kathy Jones rocked at Church Hill Theatre’s first informal coffee-house on July 26, 2024. With new flexible table-side seating surrounding Kathy and her guitar, about 75 audience members enjoyed two solid hours of old and new favorites. This pay-what-you-can event was promoted as a gift to the community and an opportunity for new audiences to experience the Church Hill Theatre magic.

CHT volunteers provided superb baked goods, coffee and a variety of drinks at the concession stand.

Jones is a multi-talented performer with credits ranging from the close harmonies of the Sweet Adelines, to regular gigs in Key West, to starring roles in musical comedies (most recently as Miss Trunchbull in CHT’s production of Matilda.)  She started the set with James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain” and moved on to songs from the Monkees, Carol King, Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Moody Blues, the Beatles, and many other iconic performers. She encouraged the audience to join her, at least on the choruses, but asked for clapping only on the 2nd and 4th beats, because “friends never let friends clap on 1 and 3.” Audience favorites included “TheSound of Silence,” “My Guy,” “Wagon Wheel,” “Daniel,” and “Hallelujah.” 

Kathy Jones, also the chair of the theatre’s board of directors, promised other informal community events and gave a shout out to upcoming shows by a medium, a stand-up comedian, and singer/storytellers.  CHT’s next main-stage performance will be the dark comedy August, Osage County by Tracy Letts, running from September 13-29. Tickets and information about all these shows is on the CHT website:
