Continuum Dance invites the community to attend open auditions to join the company in its fall performance, Dreamers. Interested dancers can attend Saturday, April 5 from 10:30am until 12noon, or Wednesday, April 9 from 5:30 to 7pm, with both sessions held at Pulse & Beats in Easton, Md.
Continuum Dance’s fall offering of Dreamers is scheduled for Saturday, September 27. Attendance at weekly rehearsals, Mondays from 6:30 to 8pm, is expected of all performers.
Auditions are open to adults and students, age 16 and up. Some dance training is required, although individuals of all backgrounds and levels are encouraged to attend. An audition fee of $10 per dancer will support expenses for the fall performance.
Auditioning dancers can expect to be led through warm up, short combinations, and learn longer pieces of choreography with an influence of ballet, modern, and jazz dance styles.
Registration is required in advance at
Through professional performance, education, and outreach, Continuum Dance seeks to develop an active presence in the community and is committed to providing greater accessibility and knowledge of artistic dance in the greater Delmarva community. For more information or to get involved, visit or email