Ribbon Cutting for Delaware’s Newly-renovated Millsboro Pond Boating and Fishing Access Area

DOVER, DE – Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Secretary Shawn M. Garvin was joined today by U.S. Senator Tom Carper, State Senator Gerald Hocker, State Senator David Wilson, State Representative Ruth Briggs King, State Representative Richard Collins, Millsboro Mayor Michelle Truitt, and DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife Director David Saveikis and […]

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Giving Tuesday

Most of the organizations and events published on these pages are put on by non-profit groups and venues. They rely on community support to do all that they do. The first Tuesday in December, since 2012, has been ‘Giving Tuesday’. The movement was started by the 92nd Stree Y and the United Nations Foundation. The […]

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MDTA Anticipates a Busy Thanksgiving Week

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches and the $27 million Bay Bridge deck rehabilitation project continues, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is reminding motorists to travel during off-peak hours, stay alert and plan ahead to avoid travel delays. MDTA expects that between Tuesday, November 26, and Sunday, December 1, more than 3.4 million travelers will use […]

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Watch for Deer Crossing Roadways

With shorter days ahead – especially after the change from Daylight Savings Time back to Eastern Standard Time – area DNR’s are reminding motorists to be alert for deer crossing roadways. National statistics show that at least half of all deer-vehicle collisions occur during the last three months of the year, with the highest number […]

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