Adkins Arboretum Field Trips Go Virtual

RIDGELY, MD – Adkins Arboretum has received funding from the Gray Charitable Trust to create a virtual “Birds, Bees, and Dandelion Seeds” field trip program. Nearly 1,000 second-graders in Queen Anne’s and Caroline County Public Schools will participate in the week-long program to learn about plants, pollinators, seed dispersal and Maryland bees. As part of […]

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Parks on Draft in Newark

The City of Newark and Klondike Kate’s are excited to announce the first PARKS ON DRAFT for Summer 2020, a four-day, family-friendly beer garden event to take place in Newark’s Olan Thomas Park from July 9 – 12, 2020. Proceeds from the event, which will feature food, games, beer, live music, and special guests, will […]

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