Urban Sketching: Watercolor, Pen & Ink at the Rehoboth Art League

Art Classes Sussex
Photo:  One of Rosemary Connelly’s urban sketches, “The Edison, South Beach.”
One of Rosemary Connelly’s urban sketches, “The Edison, South Beach.” – Contributed Photo

On May 15 through 17, 2018 the Rehoboth Art League is offering an “Urban Sketching: Watercolor, Pen & Ink” class from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day. Urban Sketching is like watercolor journaling in that it involves drawing and/or painting in a journal from life and adding your own observations to the sketch. It is done on location like plein air painting, but the materials can be as simple as a sketchbook and pen. The purpose is to record the world around you, not to create a finished painting. The instructor, local artist Rosemary Connelly, will work with participants one-on-one as the group spends time on the RAL campus as well as in various locations in Rehoboth Beach. The cost of the three-day class is $175 per person for Art League members and $210 per person for non-members.

To register for the class, go to www.rehobothartleague.org or call the Art League at 302-227-8408 ext. 112. All classes are held at the Rehoboth Art League located at 12 Dodds Lane in Henlopen Acres, Rehoboth Beach.

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~ Rehoboth Art League

The Art League is a non-profit organization dedicated to making art accessible to all. This program is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on www.DelawareScene.com.