Youths up to 16 years of age may hunt coots, ducks, geese and mergansers on private and public land, when aided by an unarmed adult at least 21 years of age. All junior hunters, and their adult mentors must possess a Maryland hunting license or be license-exempt.
“As the waterfowl seasons wind down, this youth waterfowl hunting day provides an opportunity to focus on developing our young hunters,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said. “Although winter weather can be tough and appropriate safety precautions must be taken, there are few things that warm a hunter up like a frosty Maryland sunrise and the sound of wings overhead.”
Youth hunters, including those possessing an apprentice license, must purchase a Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp. Youth under the age of 16 do not need to purchase a federal duck stamp.
The bag limits for the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Day is the same as the regular seasons except:
Two black ducks may be taken; Two Canada geese may be taken when hunting within the Atlantic Population Canada Goose Hunting Zone; and Five Canada geese may be taken when hunting within the Atlantic Flyway Resident Population Canada Goose Hunting Zone.
Licenses, stamps and permits may be purchased online, by phone at 855-855-3906, at a service center or at any one of more than 250 retailers statewide.