Classes at The Foundry in Denton

Caroline Classes

Upcoming classes at the Foundry. The Foundry is in Denton, Maryland, and managed by the Caroline County Council of Arts.

Sat July 13, 2-4 pm, Second Saturday: Join Foundry Artist, Sue Bartin for “Fun With Watercolors”.

Tue July 9, 6 pm, Write On!: Write On! is an adult writers group that meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at The Foundry. Come write, share your writing, or just listen! Topic: “Winter Freeze” FREE!

Wed July 24th, 6-8:30 pm, Mosaic SunCatcher Class with Foundry artist Joanne Gelles: In this class, you will learn how to break up found objects and pottery, glass, etc. to make an outdoor SunCatcher for your garden or pool area. $25/CCCA Members $30/Non-Members

Tue July 23rd, 6 pm, Write On!: Write On! is an adult writers group that meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at The Foundry. Come write, share your writing, or just listen! Topic:” Doorknocker” FREE!

For more information visit the Web site at